Top 10 Best Easy-Care Indoor Plants in Malaysia 2024

Decorating your space in factory-made items can be mainstream and somewhat costly depending on which decorating style that you are striving for. Let’s say, if you are purchasing a marble statue for your shelf, it might be fulfilling at first, but it can be troublesome if you suddenly have a change of heart in terms of the ambiance of your house. The only benefit that you may get from a static decor is that you never really have to care for them, except maybe wipe them with wet tissue twice a month to get rid of the duct.

For a more pleasing room ambiance, you may try and get yourself an indoor plant. Consider it as a pet, except that it functions as a mood booster, a decor, a non-moving pet. However, bringing your first plant home can be intimidating as you may have no idea what to do. Worry not, as there are plants that are really easy to take care of, and won’t die on you during the first few weeks.

How to choose a long-lasting indoor plant

To make the right decision in buying plants, you need to consider the aspects of affordability, space, and maintenance.

  1. Affordability

In making a purchase, price tags should always be within the range of your attention. Plants can be somewhat cheap to most people and the maintenance cost varies from little to none, but some plants can be really expensive. So, you should count your budget beforehand.

  1. Space

Depending on the size of your plant, you might want to dedicate space for your plants as they need a suitable space to grow. For most indoor plants, a humid and dim environment is not really an issue.

  1. Maintenance

To care for indoor plants, you need to have the will to maintain their condition when you first buy them, or even better. Most indoor plants require minimal watering and dim lighting.

10 Best Easy-Care Indoor Plants in Malaysia 2023

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1. Snake Plant

Snake Plant
Image credit: The Spruce

The snake plant is the most famous indoor plant due to its low maintenance and unique appearance. Its leaves rarely fell, making cleaning frequency from little to none.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Dim to bright


Medium sized
Must be really dry between watering

Price: RM7.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

2. Succulent

Image credit: Martha Stewart

These toy-like plants vary in shapes and colours, making it one of the most unique indoor plants. They’re a great plant option for super low-maintenance plant parents and are able to store in small and tight spaces.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Dim to bright


Small sized
Varies in shapes and colours

Price: RM3.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

3. Pothos

Image credit: Gardening Know How

A pothos is a trailing plant with a hint of yellow covering their leaves. If yours have that, do not worry as they are not wilting, but it is its natural colour. As the stems follow the gravity, it is suitable to place it on a higher altitude.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Dim to bright


Medium to large sized
Looks great if hanged

Price: RM7.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

4. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen
Image credit: Garden Design

The plant, which is also known as the Silver Bay Aglaonema, has a recognizable painted-look to its leaves, and it requires minimal effort to keep it alive. It is advisable to keep it dry between watering.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Dim to bright


Medium to large sized
Can grow bigger than its regular size (depending on pot size)

Price: RM7.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

5. Anthurium

Image credit: Amazon

Being at the higher end of regular indoor plants, an anthurium is famous for its distinguished red flowers. Anthurium varieties are more about the waxy, heart-shaped flowers. Due to its higher range of price, anthurium is considered as the premium beginner plant.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Bright


Medium sized
Suitable for occasional fertilizing

Price: RM50.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

6. Monstera

Image credit: West Elm Canada

Monstera is famously known for its wide and tropical leaves, making it look harder to maintain than the other plants. However, do not let the exotic look fool you as Monstera is relatively easy to take care of.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Medium to bright


Medium to large sized
Distinguished tropical look

Price: RM10.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase

7. Peperomia

Image credit: Brittany Goldwyn

Other than its unique shape of leaves which resemble coins, peperomia leaves hold water well, making it resistant to dry environment if you forget to water them. The plant is also able to withstand any brightness, making it suitable to be placed anywhere in your house.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting:Dim to bright


Small to medium sized
Coin-shaped leaves
Can withstand extreme dryness

Price: RM10.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

8. Parlor Palm

Parlor Palm
Image credit: Gardening Know How

Parlor Palm is one of the many species of indoor palm plants and it is one of several species with leaves that are harvested as xate. Parlor palm may enhance your house by radiating Scandinavian vibe, but is also versatile to any other decorations.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Bright


Medium to large sized
Can withstand bright lighting

Price: RM15.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

9. Aloe Vera

Image credit: FlowerAura

Who doesn’t love a good aloe vera plant. This unique shaped plant is suitable to be placed indoors. However, you may want to keep its distance from the walking path as it has many small thorns alongside its leaves. One advantage of owning an aloe is that you are able to harvest its leaves which have many healing properties.


  • Watering: Once every three weeks
  • Lighting: Dim


Medium to large sized
Can withstand bright lighting

Price: RM17.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

10. ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant
Image credit: The Sill

The ZZ plant is the short form of Zamioculcas zamiifolia. This plant is almost indestructible as the species can tolerate the trifecta of plant-killers, which are drought, low light, and really low humidity.


  • Watering: Once every two weeks
  • Lighting: Dim to bright


Medium sized
Can withstand extreme dryness, dim lighting, and low humidity

Price: RM20.00

*Prices may vary at the time of purchase 

Disclosure: This list was compiled by the team at My Weekend Plan after extensive research and shared opinions to suggest helpful recommendations for the public. The sequence of brands is in no particular order so if you have any other great suggestions too, please email us For more information, kindly refer to our copyright, privacy & disclosure policy.

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