Home Organization Tips to Feel Comfortable and Survive Through This Lockdown

Having to be stuck in your home for a long time or to be exact, 2 years, can be overwhelming. While it’s nice to be able to be closer with your family or feed your introvertness, it’s hard to stay sane especially when we don’t know how long the world is going to heal. I think the least we can do is to make our environment comfortable enough to survive through this lockdown. Also, be honest, how many times have you rearranged everything in the house?

Decorate Your Home with Bright Furniture
Image credit: Unsplash

One of the most obvious keys to make your atmosphere look more cheerful is to get bright furniture. It doesn’t have to fit with your aesthetic but to make yourself feel a little better on the inside just by looking at them everyday but honestly just choose things that make you feel happy. There’s no need to fit society’s standard of having the need to have a place that makes everything look modern and grey (unless that’s what you prefer then go ahead! Just my opinion!), I mean take a look at the iconic Friends apartment a.k.a Monica Chandler’s apartment. It doesn’t really fit a certain aesthetic but it makes it look her. Take the time to figure out what you like and create an environment that screams you. It’ll make your lockdown experience at home better.

Move Furniture Until Its Cozy
Image credit: Fancy Pants Home

Move Furniture Until It’s Cozy

With the amount of time we have inside, you’d definitely have some time to move around your furniture to achieve that coziness effect. I think I lost count on the amount of times I readjusted my room during this pandemic because I wanted to achieve a big, spacious look for my bedroom. Here’s a little tip, what works for me is that I would get a piece of paper and a pen and draw out how my room looks and draw where the furniture would look better. Once, I made a mistake of moving my bed further from the ceiling fan so most times, I slept and woke up with sweat on my body. So, definitely get that pen and paper ready.

Or Create A Cozy Corner

Or Create A Cozy Corner
Image credit: Behance

Okay so maybe you don’t want to move furniture around anymore because it takes a lot of energy and you don’t want to sweat. May I suggest creating a cozy corner for yourself? A cozy corner refers to a space that’s dedicated to you and only you, nothing else. Cozy corner can usually be done somewhere in the living room or your bedroom. I would suggest doing one in your office but you may get some thoughts about work, so it’s better to separate your cozy corner from that. A cozy corner doesn’t require much just things that can make you feel comfortable like a bunch of fluffy pillows or a bean bag chair, a blanket to keep you warm and your interests. Case in point, your books. Then, all you need to do is lay comfortably and do your thing. Sounds nice, isn’t it?

Label Those Letters and Bills

Label Those Letters and Bills
Image credit: Unsplash

Letters are so rare to receive nowadays, right? But we often receive bills and other official-important-ish letters so better cherish it now because there might be no physical letters in the future. We’re just gonna keep getting emails and emails until the inbox is too full (guilty). If you do receive plenty of important letters, start organizing them and label them so you don’t miss out on anything important or deadlines. Same goes to your bills! Grab a folder and organize all of the bills well, and while you’re at it, prioritize the important ones. 

Get A Cable Box

Get A Cable Box
Image credit: bluelounge

This cable box is definitely going to save your stress and your eyes from seeing all the tangled wires. This product is so simple to use, just put in your extension plug and make sure all the wires are through the little hole that’s provided. Makes your lockdown experience less messy and definitely, less stressful. Check it out on Shopee!

Clean and Organize While On The Phone

Clean and Organize While On The Phone gif
GIF image: Giphy

Make the cleaning tasks less lonely when you do them while talking with your friends and family on the phone. It also makes it easier to breeze through your chores rather than doing alone. Perhaps schedule a day where you and your friend can do chores together and see the result at the end of the day. If you end up ticking off most of your tidying check-list, congratulations! However when you’re on the phone, don’t get too comfortable to the point that you absolutely ignore your chores and just talk endlessly on the phone.

Light Up Those Candles

GIF image: Giphy

Do you ever just rummage through a drawer and discover candles that you bought and haven’t used them till now? Yeah, and I have tons of them. I don’t know why. Maybe every time I look through a drawer and find them, it’s a sign for me to light them up and make my atmosphere a little cozier than usual. It wouldn’t hurt to light up one right? Prepare at least one scented candle around to make your environment calmer and smell good. (Sigh) I would kill to light up a strawberry scented candle right now.

Now that you got it all down, hopefully with these tips you get to make your lockdown experience more comfortable and homely. You deserve to feel sheltered and snug in your own place. Out of all these tips, I would recommend the cozy corner because I really love the idea of a little corner surrounded with your favorite things and fluffy pillows. It’s so neat. Hopefully, you’re taking good care of yourself during this lockdown! Stay safe.

Pssst, not only we offer home organization tips but check out our various available tips we have on here!

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